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Dry Land Strength Moves for Swimmers

According to Ironman University, specific training sessions for muscular endurance and strength are essential for helping swimmers maintain good technique and speed for longer periods of time in the water. To create propulsion in the water, a strong pull, a good stroke rate, muscular endurance and power are necessary.

There are many muscles of the back, shoulder, and arm involved in the 4 phases of the swim stroke- the Hand Entry, the Catch, the Pull, and the Recovery. Strengthening these muscles will increase the swimmer's ability to power through the water. This combined with an efficient swim stroke will give the swimmer the best advantage in the water.

With the onset of COVID-19, most public and private pools are closed which has made it very difficult for swimmers to get in their workouts. Right now I tell swimmers that the best thing they can be doing is STRENGTH TRAINING. You don't need a lot of equipment to do this. A simple band will do the trick, and if it's nice outside you can bring it to the park, get some much needed fresh air and sunshine while getting a great upper body workout.

In this video I demonstrate several land exercises geared toward helping swimmers strengthen upper body and core muscles used for swimming. I added a few moves using just body weight such as push-ups. Have fun with it, and message me with questions!

Need some advice from a Certified Triathlon Coach? Not racing right now but need some motivation and accountability? Click HERE to shoot me an email and I will get back to you ASAP!

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