One-Time Consultation with Training Plan

Get Valuable Input and a Training Plan from a Certified Coach!

Do you have an important race coming up that you want to ROCK?
Maybe you are looking for a Personal Record or a Podium Finish?
Is this your first Ironman or Half Ironman and you just want to finish strong?
Are you heading to a World Championship and want to represent the United States well?
Do you need input from a coach to get you started on the right track?
This is where I come in!
Get on the phone with me for a 45-minute consultation call. I'll give you personalized advice for your training level and goals. Afterward, I'll supply you with a training plan based on our discussion.
My Consultation Call gives you:
My best advice on how to work your triathlon training into your life without being overwhelmed.
We will talk about your next race, your specific goals for swim, bike, and run leg of your race and how to get there.
I will give you sport-specific strength training moves to help you build muscular strength and endurance for each sport.
I will give you my Complete Guide to the Iron Distance Swim so that you will get to the swim start on race day feeling completely confident.
I will show you how to build a faster bike leg if you are needing improvement in this area.
I will give you my Race Day Nutrition plan so that you will know exactly what to eat leading up to your race.
We will go over the race course and talk strategy for hill climbs, flats, wind, transitions, etc.
You get a complete week by week training plan loaded into your Training Peaks account so that you have a bulletproof race template to set you up for success.
We will go over how to calculate your perfect training zones based on your Lactate Threshold Heart Rate.
I will give you a set of swim drills, running form drills, sweat test instructions, and a Race Week Checklist.
You get all this for $249!
If monthly coaching isn’t your thing or not in your budget, then the best thing you can do is consult with a coach before your next race to set you up for success!
Get Started Now!