Triathlon Coaching Terms
Congratulations on taking on this commitment to complete a triathlon! Whether this is a Sprint race or an Ironman, this is an exciting time and you will be amazed at the transformation in your fitness in the next several weeks and months. I am going to take you through a step-by-step plan to get you to the start line and feel as confident as possible on race day. Before we get started on this journey together, please take a minute to read the terms and conditions for triathlon coaching with Mary Timoney:
In order to train with me, you will need to become my athlete in Training Peaks. You will need the PREMIUM ATHLETE Training Peaks Account in order for me to receive emails with your completed workout data. This is $10/month and it can be paid quarterly or yearly through Training Peaks. You will also need a watch with a Heart Rate monitor such as a Garmin synced to your Training Peaks account to upload your workouts so I can clearly read your data. Click the following link to sign up as my athlete on Training Peaks: BECOME MY ATHLETE ON TRAINING PEAKS
Training zones are based on the athlete's lactate threshold heart rate. The best and most accurate way to find this number is to do it in a clinical setting by running on the treadmill or biking on the stationary bike. It is offered at the Player Development Center at Texas A&M University and costs $50 if I have a few athletes together. Otherwise, we can come up with this number by doing a 30 min run test at the track, but the clinical setting is most accurate.
I will consistently upload 2 weeks of workouts for the athlete throughout the months leading up to race day. In most cases, they will be ready Sunday night. Athletes will need to make sure to send their workout data DAILY as each workout is completed on that given day. Please do not upload workouts all at once for the week. I need to see them as they are completed on a DAILY basis.
My number one goal is to get you to the start of the race safely, feeling confident and well trained! If I am not seeing your workouts each day uploaded in TP then you will receive an email, text, and then a phone call from me. If athletes are consistently not producing the workouts that I ask of them, they risk having all coaching immediately terminated and I will refund whatever part of the month/months has not been used.
SWIMMING: The swim is the most dangerous part of the race and you need to be in the water regularly for safety reasons. I won’t bring an athlete to the start of a race if I don’t feel they have put in the necessary amount of training. You need to be swimming 2-3X a week at a minimum. If I am not seeing swim workouts from the get-go, you risk termination of our coaching agreement. If I feel that the athlete has a bad attitude, lack of motivation, or is not following the workout prescription and nutrition, I will cancel all further coaching with this client and refund their money.
If your “A RACE” is an Iron Distance event then I will not allow any other races up until 6 weeks before your event. The only exception to this is a Sprint or Olympic triathlon and it must be at least 4 weeks out from your Ironman or Ironman 70.3. Do not plan any long-distance events before your A race as I will put a flag on that.
Please do not share the workouts I put in Training Peaks with others. If someone wants to look at your training plan, they must go through me. I put a lot of time and thought into creating most of these workouts from scratch so please keep them to yourself.
Athletes may not have a different triathlon coach or be following any other plan. I will only look at the workouts that I created for you and no others. Athletes may not put their own workouts in the app. If athletes are swimming in a Master’s group, that's perfectly fine but I ask that you complete the required yardage in my prescription.
I try to let my athletes have unlimited email and text access to me, but within reason. I like to speak with you at least once a week via phone call to address any concerns with your training, nutrition, etc. Please schedule this with me at a consistent time and day and I will put it on my calendar.
If location permits, we can do occasional or regular workouts at the track or sport-specific strength training. A regular day and time is best for me as a coach to keep things consistent. These sessions are $55 each and you can purchase one month at a time. Message me if you want the link for this service.
There is a 3-month minimum for online triathlon coaching. I do this because I need at least that amount of time to properly get an athlete ready for their race. Please use the link on my website and you will be automatically billed monthly via PayPal until your subscription time ends. If you want to start working with me on a Monday, I must have your payment by Friday of the previous week in order to have a few days to create your program.
Coaching fees are non-refundable and once the coach has been paid there are no refunds. In the event of a family emergency, loss of employment, or other hardship, the remaining monthly coaching fees may be suspended for 45 days. In the event of an injury, your coach will work with you to adjust your training plan to allow for recovery while maintaining fitness. If your injury does not allow for any training, you can request a hold of up to 45 days at which time coach and athlete will reassess the situation.
I support our troops 100%. If you are active duty, retired, veteran, or reservist you automatically get 15% off of my coaching fees. Please contact me before making a purchase.
Please use common sense where alcohol is concerned. Alcohol is never a good thing during the final month of training as it dehydrates and can affect your performance during training and competing.
Clients must understand that they will get from my workouts what they put in and need to fully understand that they should not expect noticeable results or faster times if they are less than 90% compliant to BOTH workouts and nutrition together.