Reduce Your Drag at Your Next Open Water Swim
Reduce Your Drag at Your Next Open Water Swim There are two forces you want to conquer in order to get faster in the water: 1. Reduce...

8 Essential Bike Handling Skills to Master
Bike handling skills are learned by spending time on the road. They must be reinforced and practiced each week to make them become a...

What to Expect from Your Ironman Training Plan
Mary Timoney, Ironman University Certified Coach Congratulations on deciding to complete an Ironman triathlon! This is a super exciting...

Best Swim Drills for Triathletes
As coaches we are taught that a swim workout should include a warm up, drills, a main set, and a cool down. I'm here to talk to you...

How to Train for Triathlon While Traveling
How to Train for Triathlon While Traveling Sometimes your Iron distance training will be slightly interrupted over the course of the...