10 Tips for First Time Ironman Athletes
10 Tips for First Time Ironman Athletes Your first Ironman journey is an exhilarating challenge that demands months of preparation. To...

Unlock the Secret to Riding Up Hills Faster
Mastering Hill Climbs: Unraveling the Secret to Riding Up Hills Faster Lots of hill training has its place in making you a stronger hill...

Dear Coach, Can a Run Gait Analysis Make Me Run Faster?
Let’s talk about run gait analysis. I always thought that having a run gait analysis was like the one you get at the running store where...

Don’t Make These 10 Transition Mistakes!
Don’t Make These 10 Transition Mistakes! I think I may have said this before but I have been to the start of a triathlon/half...

3 Reasons Why You Need a Running Coach for the Military PRT/PFT
Here's why you need a running coach for the military PRT/PFT: Aggie Cadets! If you are committed to a military contract for after...

Run Stronger Off the Bike Now
Run Stronger Off the Bike Now. We’ve all been there- slowing down, dismounting the bike, and then that feeling of complete jelly legs as...

Smart Swimmers Do These 7 Things Consistently
When it comes to swimming, some individuals seem to have a natural gift. But over time, I've noticed that these gifted swimmers...

Get Rid of IT Band Pain with These Yoga Poses
I often have athletes tell me that they have pain on the outside of their thighs and/or the side of their knee. In most cases this means...

Don’t Skip Swim Drills and Here’s Why
Swim drills are a fantastic way to improve your swimming technique, whether you're a beginner or an experienced swimmer. These specific...