Smart Swimmers Do These 7 Things Consistently
When it comes to swimming, some individuals seem to have a natural gift. But over time, I've noticed that these gifted swimmers...

Dry Land Swim Warm Up with Bands
Dry Land Swim Warm Up with Bands

20 Not-So-Ordinary Plank Exercises for a Bulletproof Core
20 Not-So-Ordinary Plank Exercises for a Bulletproof Core I'm sure you’ve heard many times that good core strength can help prevent...

Dear Coach Should I Run in the Pool?
Should you run in the pool? Absolutely YES! I don’t know one runner or triathlete that has not had a running injury somewhere along their...

What You Need to Know About Your Sports Drink
In this article I am going to tell you everything you need to know about your sports drink based on what I have learned from Ironman...

Winter Training Tips
Winter is here. For those who live in colder climates, the trainer, the treadmill, and a heated pool are friends. The shorter days mean...

My 3 Favorite Running Form Drills
Running economy is defined as the physiological and biomechanical factors that contribute to running performance. It is measured to...

How to Know When You're Overtraining
It happens to almost all athletes- we get super excited about an event or an outcome and we go 1000% IN. Sometimes athletes become...

How to Overcome that Monday BLAH Feeling
I was on vacation for the past 10 days and upon returning this past Saturday I was well aware that Sunday would be a "catch up" day...

My Best Tips for Recovery After an Endurance Event
There's nothing like that feeling of crossing the finish line on race day knowing you gave it your all. Whether you had a podium finish...