Unleashing the Power of AI: Revolutionizing Triathlon Coaching with TriDot
Ok I’ve been thinking about sharing this with all of you over the past few weeks and it took me a while to gather my thoughts on this...

More Ironman Affirmations
I had an outpouring of views on my blog post My Top 10 Ironman Affirmations https://www.marinewifemultisport.com/single-post/my-top-10-ir...

Here’s Why You Should Negative Split Your Workouts
What does it mean to “negative split” a workout? Basically, a negative split is when an athlete takes it easy at the start of a race and...

Here’s Why You Should be Swimming Different Strokes
I don’t know about you but I get bored very quickly at the pool if I don’t change things up a little bit. Freestyle for 2000 or 3000...

Don’t Skip Swim Drills and Here’s Why
Swim drills are a fantastic way to improve your swimming technique, whether you're a beginner or an experienced swimmer. These specific...

Anxiety and Depression in Athletes and Resources for Help
This might be a sensitive topic to some, and the very first thing I want you to know is that if you want to comment on this post, you...

7 Tips to Reduce Anxiety About Your Open Water Swim
Open water swim is a lot different than doing consistent 25 yard laps in a heated pool with lane markers and a black line on the bottom....

The Night My Husband Left for War
I was going to write you guys a detailed blog post about Iron distance race nutrition and then I realized what day it was, so I scrapped...

How Much Volume Should You Be Doing for Swim, Bike, and Run for Your Iron Distance Race?
I’m going to explain this in Ironman’s simplest terms. I am an Ironman University Certified Coach and I feel that they do a great job of...

How I Became a Triathlon Coach- My Story
I get this question all the time- how did you end up as a triathlon coach? What was your career path leading up to this point? Well, I’m...