10 Race Day Hacks You May Not Have Thought About
These race hacks will help you have a smooth and stress free event!

What is Lactate Threshold Running Pace?
What is Lactate Threshold Running Pace? Many coaches feel that it is the best measure of endurance running fitness. It is recognized by...

Can You Be Fully Trained for an Ironman in Just 6 Months?
Can you be fully trained for an Ironman in just 6 months of training? How long should it take you to train for a full Ironman from ground...

5 Reasons You Keep Getting Injured and How to Break the Cycle
5 Reasons You Keep Getting Injured and How to Break the Cycle As a triathlete you understand the dedication and perseverance required to...

Dear Coach, Can a Run Gait Analysis Make Me Run Faster?
Let’s talk about run gait analysis. I always thought that having a run gait analysis was like the one you get at the running store where...

3 Reasons Why You Need a Running Coach for the Military PRT/PFT
Here's why you need a running coach for the military PRT/PFT: Aggie Cadets! If you are committed to a military contract for after...

Mastering Hydration in the Texas Heat: A Guide for Triathletes
As the Texas summer heat blazes on, you must pay close attention to your hydration strategy to maintain optimal performance and safeguard...

Harness the Power of Your Glutes for More Power on the Bike
One of the big keys to sustaining high power on the bike is generating the force with your glutes and not your quads. The glutes are the...

More Ironman Affirmations
I had an outpouring of views on my blog post My Top 10 Ironman Affirmations https://www.marinewifemultisport.com/single-post/my-top-10-ir...

3 Reasons Why You Should Be Running Backwards
As athletes, you are most often focused on moving forward as fast as possible when running. However, incorporating backward running into...