Quality Over Quantity: Do These 3 Swim Workouts When You Don't Have a Lot of Time
Many multisport athletes find their time in the pool limited due to family obligations, kids sports, full time work, etc. By prioritizing...

Here’s Why You Should be Swimming Different Strokes
I don’t know about you but I get bored very quickly at the pool if I don’t change things up a little bit. Freestyle for 2000 or 3000...

The Dirty Seven: 7 Great Exercises to Help You Run Faster
I was doing a little research on the best way to strengthen the muscles in order to run faster. There were a lot of great articles and...

When You Cut It Too Close to the Swim Cut Off
When You Cut It Too Close to the Swim Cut Off For an Ironman, swimmers must complete the swim in 2 hours and 20 minutes. For the 70.3...

Why You Should Be Swimming with a Master’s Swim Group
My athletes will usually find 2-3 swim workouts per week in their program along with 3-4 runs and at least 3 bike rides. In my opinion,...

Reduce Your Drag at Your Next Open Water Swim
Reduce Your Drag at Your Next Open Water Swim There are two forces you want to conquer in order to get faster in the water: 1. Reduce...

Best Swim Drills for Triathletes
As coaches we are taught that a swim workout should include a warm up, drills, a main set, and a cool down. I'm here to talk to you...