5 Things Injured Runners Can Do for Cardio
5 Things Injured Runners Can Do for Cardio As Ironman athletes, staying in top form is crucial, but what happens when injury throws a...

What is Lactate Threshold Running Pace?
What is Lactate Threshold Running Pace? Many coaches feel that it is the best measure of endurance running fitness. It is recognized by...

How to Work Out with a Hurt Foot or Lower Extremity Injury
Hey athletes! If you have a foot, ankle, toe or any other lower extremity it might seem like the end of the world, especially to a...

The Best Foods for Race Morning
Pre-event meals should consist of foods that are easily digestible such as carbohydrates and fluids. My top picks include white toast,...

Sometimes It's OK to Ditch the Garmin
Triathletes, by nature, are data enthusiasts. We thrive on tracking and analyzing every metric in apps like Training Peaks, Strava,...

Smart Swimmers Do These 7 Things Consistently
When it comes to swimming, some individuals seem to have a natural gift. But over time, I've noticed that these gifted swimmers...

Mastering Hydration in the Texas Heat: A Guide for Triathletes
As the Texas summer heat blazes on, you must pay close attention to your hydration strategy to maintain optimal performance and safeguard...

Stop Pre-Race Anxiety Before Your Next Iron Distance Triathlon
The weeks leading up to Race Day are full of hard work with many long hours on the bike, several 2 to 3 hour runs, and hundreds of yards...

Get Rid of IT Band Pain with These Yoga Poses
I often have athletes tell me that they have pain on the outside of their thighs and/or the side of their knee. In most cases this means...

3 Reasons Why You Should Be Running Backwards
As athletes, you are most often focused on moving forward as fast as possible when running. However, incorporating backward running into...