10 Race Day Hacks You May Not Have Thought About
These race hacks will help you have a smooth and stress free event!

What is Lactate Threshold Running Pace?
What is Lactate Threshold Running Pace? Many coaches feel that it is the best measure of endurance running fitness. It is recognized by...

Improve Your Swim Stroke With Shoulder Mobility
Swimming is a sport that demands strength, endurance, and exceptional technique. In my opinion, the best swimmers move through the water...

Run Stronger Off the Bike Now
Run Stronger Off the Bike Now. We’ve all been there- slowing down, dismounting the bike, and then that feeling of complete jelly legs as...

Add Some Spice to Your Weekday Runs with These 5 Workouts
If you’re getting bored of the same old mid-week running routine, here is something to spice up your weekday runs! I took some of these...

6 Things Smart Runners Do Consistently
As a triathlon coach for the past several years, I can honestly say that the most common injuries athletes experience are from the sport...

Mastering Hydration in the Texas Heat: A Guide for Triathletes
As the Texas summer heat blazes on, you must pay close attention to your hydration strategy to maintain optimal performance and safeguard...

Stop Pre-Race Anxiety Before Your Next Iron Distance Triathlon
The weeks leading up to Race Day are full of hard work with many long hours on the bike, several 2 to 3 hour runs, and hundreds of yards...

Get Rid of IT Band Pain with These Yoga Poses
I often have athletes tell me that they have pain on the outside of their thighs and/or the side of their knee. In most cases this means...

More Ironman Affirmations
I had an outpouring of views on my blog post My Top 10 Ironman Affirmations https://www.marinewifemultisport.com/single-post/my-top-10-ir...