Maximizing Your Iron Distance Swim Training with Fins
As you gear up for the challenging swim portion of your 70.3 or 140.6, let's delve into the incredible benefits of incorporating fins...

7 Common Running Injuries and How You Can Treat Them
I am going to start off by saying that I’ve had a lot of first-hand experience with injuries in my 30+ year career in running and...

Reasons You Should Aqua Jog
I've always thought of the Aqua Jogger as a rehab tool for injured runners or athletes as a way to recover from injury and build back...

Body Weight Training for Triathletes
Many times athletes think that they need a big gym full of fancy equipment in order to get their strength training done. While dumb bells...

5 Things Racing Has Taught Me
Looking back over the past 12 years of competing in triathlon, road racing, running, and duathlon it has been AMAZING to say the least. I...
5 Quick Strength Training Moves for Time Crunched Athletes
When training for a major "A" race sometimes we get so caught up in the SWIM BIKE RUN portion of our training that we overlook the...

No Seriously, This is Why You Should Strength Train
Athletes are busy people. They have a weekly schedule with enough workouts to keep them busy for most of their spare time. With all the...

How to Know When You're Overtraining
It happens to almost all athletes- we get super excited about an event or an outcome and we go 1000% IN. Sometimes athletes become...
Why Runners Need to Build Core Strength
The core is at the center of the body, and I think of it as the body's headquarters. Everything else including hips, pelvis, lower back,...

5 Ways to Get Faster in the Water
The swim is often the barrier to triathlon. I know this is true because I myself hesitated to even attempt a triathlon because I wasn't a...