Why I Love the Rowing Machine for Swimmers
Here’s why I like the Rowing Machine for swimmers: Swimming is a pulling motion and the rowing machine reinforces that. Just like in...
8 Bad Habits You Learned During COVID and How to Break Them Right Now
When you are in stressful situations sometimes you tend to pick up bad habits that don't really serve you well. You really didn't know...
Why You Need to Fire Your Glutes Before Running or Cycling
Your glutes are the largest muscle in your body yet the most underused. I've learned this over years of cycling and running. We become...
Do THIS to Get Stronger on the Bike
So many athletes ask me how to get stronger and faster on the bike. I always tell them that they have to change the way they do things....
How to Train for Open Water Swim in the Pool
In the winter months it is often not doable or desirable to swim outside in the open water. If you have an upcoming open water swim in...
Seriously, Why Hire a Triathlon Coach?
Are you contemplating your first Ironman or 70.3 and you're not sure how to get started? Are you an experienced Age Grouper who wants a...
Get THIS Great Piece of Equipment for Strength Training
I've seen these yellow bars called different things in the fitness world but I have to say they are an AMAZING strength training tool for...
5 Quick Strength Training Moves for Time Crunched Athletes
When training for a major "A" race sometimes we get so caught up in the SWIM BIKE RUN portion of our training that we overlook the...
What to Do When Your Training Week Goes to SHIT
OK so this week I had EVERY intention of working hard in my business, getting in some good training rides, 2 or 3 strength sessions, 3...
Why Runners Need to Build Core Strength
The core is at the center of the body, and I think of it as the body's headquarters. Everything else including hips, pelvis, lower back,...